Yin and Restorative Classes
Yin + Somatics: “Seeing” the Back
Level: All Intensity: Low Focus: Low back and hips Props Needed: 2 blankets Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: This is a special practice for students with ongoing back pain. We will explore the back through somatic movement, Yin poses and interoceptive practices....
Bell Hand Yin
Level: All Intensity: Low Focus: Self-Regulation Props Needed: Bolster, blocks, blanket Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: This is a sublime practice that is equal parts restorative Yin and meditation. We will take some absolutely delicious poses as we meditate on,...
Neck Rescue
Level: All Intensity: Low Focus: Neck Pain Props Needed: Bolster, blocks, blanket Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: If you suffer from neck pain (everyone raises hand...) this class is for you. Learn more about pain, why stretching isn't the answer and what actually...
Somatic Coherence: Yin + Somatics
Level: All Intensity: Mild Focus: Low back, hamstrings Props Needed: Bolster, blocks, blanket Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: Somatic Coherence is our goal for this practice, but we will get there via the glutes, hamstrings and low back. This practice is the...
Steady and Comfy
Level: All Intensity: None Focus: Gentle folds and compression Props Needed: Bolster, 2 blocks Instructor: Lizz Instructor Notes: Sage Patanjali reminds us that poses are perfected through relaxation of effort. Feel steady and comfortable with gentle folds and...
Level: All Intensity: Low Focus: Hips, glutes, hamstrings, spine, coherence Props Needed: Bolster, blocks, blanket Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: Yin + Somatic Movement: Practice a full Feldenkrais Method® Lesson. The somatic movement is intended to impart...
Shoulder Yin
Level: All Intensity: Low Focus: Shoulders, Global Movement Props Needed: Blanket Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: Most people I know have struggled with or are currently struggling with shoulder pain, soreness, discomfort. The shoulders are really (REALLY)...
Hips, Hams, Thighs. Oh My!
Level: All Intensity: Low Focus: Hips, Hamstrings, Inner Thigh, Kidney & Bladder Meridians, Water Element Props Needed: 2 Blocks, blanket, bolster (optional) Instructor: Lizz Instructor Notes: Get down with this short yin practice that will leave your legs feeling...
Yin to Accept Discomfort
Level: All Intensity: None Focus: Back body, hips, groin, legs Props Needed: Strap Instructor: Lizz Instructor Notes: Lay down and learn to receive discomfort with grace. Coming to terms with discomfort is a life skill, and one that's so much nicer to learn within a...
Aloha! Island Relaxation
Level: All Intensity: Low Focus: Power of seed mantra, Focus on breath Props Needed: Bolster, blanket Instructor: Meagan Instructor Notes: This short, relaxing class combines the power of visualization meditation and bija mantra to help you settle into gentle reclined...
Can you hear the whispering?
Level: All Intensity: None Focus: Large intestine and lung meridians Props Needed: 2 blocks, 1 bolster Instructor: Lizz Instructor Notes: As a tiny breeze sets Aspen leaves to whispering, so too, does our breath invite whisperings from the luminous self. Aspens remind...
Understand Your Sacroiliac Joint
Level: All Intensity: Low Focus: Low back and hips, SIJ Props Needed: Bolster, 2 blocks, blanket Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: The SIJ is probably one of the most misunderstood joints. It's also one that causes problems for many Yogis. In this class you will...
Inner Light Circuitry
Level: Beginner Intensity: Low Focus: Introspection Props Needed: Bolster, and blanket Instructor: Meagan Instructor Notes: With this gentle introspective yin class, turn on your inner glow and full body awareness.
Observing the Seat of Wisdom
Level: Beginner Intensity: Low Focus: Hips and Pelvis, Subtle body Props Needed: Bolster, and blanket Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: Observe the seat of your wisdom as we influence Muladhara Chakra by way of the Kidney & Urinary Bladder meridians.
Realized Relaxation
Level: Beginner Intensity: Low Focus: Relaxing muscle tension Props Needed: Bolster, and blanket Instructor: Meagan Instructor Notes: Sink into deep relaxation, fully enjoying how good it feels. Take special awareness of relaxing muscles after brief moments of...
Lo’ Down, Lay Down
Level: All Intensity: Low Focus: Low body Props Needed: 1-2 Blocks Instructor: Lizz Instructor Notes: This practice takes place lying down. It's comfy and includes wiggle room. Your low body will thank you.
Really Let Go
Level: All Intensity: none Focus: Low back and hips Props Needed: Bolster, blocks Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: Yin blended with a novel somatic practice. This practice is for you if you have "tight" hip flexors or low back discomfort. Our effort will serve to...
Yin + Somatics: Building Blocks of Movement
Level: All Intensity: None Focus: Hips Props Needed: Blocks, blanket Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: Movement, like language is created by combining a limited number of elements into infinite combinations of function. This adventurous practice explores fundamental...
Level: Beginner Intensity: Low Focus: Affirmation Props Needed: Bolster, blanket Instructor: Meagan Instructor Notes: A yin class to reconnect with yourself and your personal affirmations. A quick class to do away with worry!
Yin + Somatics – Turn
Level: All Intensity: none Focus: Spine and hip flexors Props Needed: Bolster, blocks, blanket Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: A sublime Yin practice with some somatic intention mixed in. Better twisting is about so much more than your Yoga practice. Learn how...
Yin + Somatics Side Flexion
Level: All Intensity: none Focus: Side Bodies Props Needed: Three blankets or two blankets and a pillow Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: A juicy Yin practice blended with a somatic side flexion (side bending) lesson. Connecting with the tissues that support you...
A Quick Yin Practice
Level: All Intensity: none Focus: Side Body Props Needed: Bolster Instructor: Laura Instructor Notes: Just a quick practice to start your day off slow or wind down before bed. You only need a bolster or a couple firm pillows or folded blanket.
Yin + Somatics – Pelvic Clock
Level: All Intensity: none Focus: Low back. pelvis and hips Props Needed: Maybe a blanket Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: This is a really special practice blending Yin Yoga with somatic techniques. We will expore the "pelvic clock" to introduce movement and...
Stress Less
Level: All Intensity: none Focus: Neck and shoulders Props Needed: Bolster, blocks, blanket Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: This is a practice to address stress "head on". We will work especially the neck and shoulders since those areas are most commonly...
Some Love for Your Hip Flexors
Level: For the advanced Yin student Intensity: moderate Focus: Hip flexors Props Needed: Bolster, blocks, blanket Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: When things get heavy, and cloudy and dark it seems natural to hibernate a bit. But sometimes you need a practice to...
Yin is Cool
Level: All Intensity: none Focus: Hips and Hamstrings Props Needed: Bolster, blocks, blanket Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: This is a wonderful introductory practice to learn about the process and aims of Yin Yoga. Yin is different, ideally we won't bring our...
Sitting in Appreciation
Level: All Intensity: none Focus: Better sitting Props Needed: Bolster, blocks, blanket Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: It seems like everywhere you look everyone is down on sitting. In a negative way it's correlated with sedentaryness and poor posture. Let's take...
Twinkling Lungs
Level: All Intensity: none Focus: Lungs Props Needed: Bolster, blocks, blanket Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: After struggling for weeks with a certain un-verified respiratory virus I am acutely aware of my lungs. It seems to me that this time, maybe more than...
A yawn for low back and hips
Level: All Intensity: none Focus: Low back and hips Props Needed: Bolster, blocks, blanket Instructor: Mandy Instructor Notes: Don't you just...? Sometimes your low back, your outer hips just feel tight, achy, in need of attention. Here it is. It's like mini vacay for...
Level: All Intensity: Very mild Focus: Lower Body Props Needed: optional bolster, blanket, blocks Instructor: Meagan Instructor Notes: Lower body love from your hips to your toes.
Wall Yin
It’s my very most requested class. Turn your Yin practice 180° to enjoy the support that the corner can provide. A highly introspective practice.
Gentleness and Intuition
Level: All Intensity: None Focus: Spine: Intuition Props Needed: Bolster, blanket Instructor: Dana Instructor Notes: In this class we will build upon the practice "Stability and the Sacrum", and begin to address the soft tissue surrounding the sacrum. Being gentle...
Yin to Balance Immune Function
A yin class to balance the immune system via cardiac coherence.
Stability and the Sacrum
In this class we will support the stability of the sacrum through a patient, mindful Yin sequence. Overstretching of the soft tissue surrounding the sacrum can create pain and instability there, so we will be influencing the sacral region through compression and other gentle movements.
A delicious practice using the creative support of a blanket. Explore the concept of growth.
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Unlimited practices with Local Omaha Yoga Teachers. Sample all of the styles from your device on your own schedule. Your first two weeks are free and just $15/month after that.
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Opening Hours
Mon-Fri: 8 AM – 5 PM
Sat-Sun: 8 AM – 2 PM
(255) 352-6258
1234 Divi St. #1000
San Francisco, CA 94220