About the Course CREATOR
Laura began dancing in 2008 and quickly fell in love with grounded movement utilizing the floor in creative ways. She became a Physical Therapist Assistant in 2012 working with kids and adults with developmental delay in addition to other neurological conditions. She has always had a passion for helping people discover and create their own movement. Laura intermingles elements of dance, therapy, and yoga throughout each discipline and practice.
Course Creator Laura offers a blend in compromise between caring for yourself and your new baby. She experiences with you firsthand the challenge of practicing with baby, and the joy and peace of completing a practice together.
Discover Yoga Philosophy and History

Module I: Seated Practices
All practices in Module 1 can be completed while sitting to nurse, feed, pump, or rock and comfort your baby. 3 Lessons

Module II: Yoga Everywhere!
Anytime can be Yoga time! These practices are designed to be done when you are doing everyday mom tasks. 3 Lessons

Module III: Pelvic Stability
These practices are for mom. Pelvic floor recovery is important for new moms and Yoga is a great way to become more aware and encourage strength and responsiveness.

Module IV: Body Awareness
Fun practices for mom and baby to improve body awareness in changing bodies! 3 Lessons
Baby and Me Yoga
As new moms our instinct is to focus every part of our being on our new little one. It can leave us feeling drained, exhausted, and unable to care for ourselves, let alone anxious that if we spend time on ourselves it takes away from caring for our baby. Allow yourself to find the grace to care for yourself and your little one, one exercise, one breath, one moment at a time.
As with anything you will get out of this course what you put into it. This course has plenty of information for you to take and transform time with your baby into intentional time to connect. You are invited to put in small moments to get these moments and more back helping to sustain you throughout your days.
SMY Courses
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This content is yours for life. Take the course at your own speed and come back when you need to.